
Tony is a Dallas-based artist, born on May 7, 1986. He earned his Bachelor of Arts degree from Northwestern University in Evanston, IL in 2008 with studies focusing on psychology and studio art.

Using a diverse range of woods, his artwork showcases the artful interplay of texture, perspective, and light. The resulting pieces enthrall viewers with their ever-changing displays, evoking a sense of intrigue and fascination, no matter how familiar they become. Explore the convergence of art and craftsmanship in these mesmerizing creations.


Artist Statement

As an artist, I am constantly exploring new mediums and techniques to express my ideas and emotions. One medium that I have become particularly fascinated with is laser cutting and woodworking. The precision and control that these techniques allow allows me to create intricate and detailed pieces that are truly unique.

In my art, I often seek to play with the psychology of perception, creating pieces that challenge the viewer's expectations and invite them to see the world in a different way. Through the use of laser cutting and woodworking, I am able to create pieces that are both physically and visually striking, drawing the viewer in and inviting them to engage with the work on a deeper level.

My art is influenced by my own experiences and observations, as well as by the rich cultural traditions of my community. I aim to create work that is meaningful, thought-provoking, and emotionally resonant, and that speaks to the human experience in all of its complexity and diversity. Whether through the use of laser cutting, woodworking, or other mediums, my goal is to create art that inspires and connects people to the world around them.

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